Keloids and Stretch Marks
Welcome to Salaver's Clinic, a trusted destination for advanced dermatological treatments designed to enhance your skin's health and appearance. Our experienced team of professionals is dedicated to providing exceptional care and utilizing innovative techniques to address various skin concerns. From fractional CO2 laser treatment to triamcinolone injections for keloid treatment, we offer a wide range of effective solutions tailored to your specific needs. Experience the transformative power of our treatments and unlock the beauty of your skin at Salaver's Clinic.
Fractional CO2 laser Treatment
Achieve healthier and smoother skin with our fractional CO2 laser treatment. This advanced procedure stimulates collagen growth within the skin layers, effectively rebuilding the texture of the skin. The laser energy microbeams target small areas, breaking down the skin tissue and triggering the growth of new, healthy skin. As your skin heals naturally, it appears rejuvenated, with improved texture and a reduction in unsightly stretch marks.
Triamcinolone Injections
Combat keloids with our triamcinolone injections, a nonsurgical approach recommended for the primary treatment of keloids. Keloids are pathological scars that extend beyond the area of injury, often continuing to grow over time. Our expert dermatologists utilize triamcinolone acetonide, a commonly used intralesional corticosteroid, to effectively treat keloids. These injections help regulate cell proliferation and tissue repair, reducing the appearance of keloids and improving the overall texture and appearance of your skin.